The Padgett Messages

the gospel revealed anew by Jesus and the Apostles

Helen writes that Mr. Padgett will receive great love and power to do the great work of the Master as well as other high spirits.

January 5th, 1917

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, Helen.

Well, my dear old Ned, I am here to love you and encourage you and tell you that you must try to have more faith and you will soon realize that you have about and in you a sustaining influence that will enable you to overcome every obstacles.

I am glad that John came and wrote you as he did for we all see the importance of your realizing to the fullest that the position that you occupy in this work and the great importance of your receiving these truths that the Master and high spirits shall write you. I cannot tell you how happy I am when I know that you have been so favored and with what a great love and power will be given to you to do this work.

These spirits, if you could see them, would amuse you to know that they are the greatest and most highly developed of all God's spirits and that they are so in earnest about this matter. So try to have more faith and pray for more love and your soul will become so largely developed that you may in some degree, by your soul perception, realize what wonderful beings surround you and are working with and loving you. I came today because I felt your thoughts of love and aspirations flowing to the Father and I feel that you needed me to write just a few words of love and cheer.

We will be with you tonight and you may get some deep messages of the truth and consolation for yourself as well as for your fellow mortals. Remember that your Helen is with you in all her love and influence and is very happy when she realizes that you love her so much. Well you must not write more today as it will not do you good physically. So knowing that you love me and trust and want me with you, I am

Your own true and loving,

