The Padgett Messages

the gospel revealed anew by Jesus and the Apostles

John discloses that allowing the lower spirits to take control of him has depressed him to the extent that he lost faith in the Celestial Spirits.

July 7th, 1917

Received by James Padgett.

Washington D.C.

I am here, John.

Well, I come tonight to write a few lines on your condition and suggest a few thoughts to encourage you in (out of) your despondency. You have been much depressed in the past few days owing very largely to the fact that you permitted the evil influences to make a rapport with you, which fact is largely due to your not letting the Love enter your soul in such quantities as heretofore, for in your imagining, for such I must call them, you became convinced that your material affairs were such as to afford you no hope of relief from the burdens you felt were resting on you. Well, you have these burdens and you do not see in what manner you may be able to meet them, and find relief and consequently you become negligent of the necessity of seeking and praying more for this Love. In other words, the thought came to you that no love or influence from the higher spirits could enable you to find a way out of your difficulties, and you lost faith in the power of the love, and in us and the result was that your soul became in such a condition that the evil ones could make their rapport, and thus increase your feelings of despondency and want of faith.

I know that your disappointment was very real and that you had a difficult task to make yourself believe that we could do you any good or that your condition of soul could determine that another of your problems being relieved from your worries and as may be said, it was natural for you to feel this way, but if you had taken the advice which we have given you more than once and prayed with all the longings of your soul for the help of the Father, you would not have gotten in such a condition of despondency and could not have given way to the temptations of the flesh and let the influences of the evil ones make a rapport with you and suffered the effects of that rapport.

Every time you get in this condition you lose ground in your spiritual development, and also in your state of happiness and the strength of your faith and experience the hopelessness that comes with such a condition. The material things I know are of great importance and are necessary, and you must obtain them in order to sustain you in your earth life, and the earthly happiness that comes from the freedom of want and when you could not see where these things were coming from it was difficult to throw aside the worries that resulted from such a state of anticipated want. But if you had prayed and exercised your faith such worries would not have dominated you as they did and caused you to ignore the very source from which all things must come.

And I say to you now, that you will not be left alone in these matters for you well realize the things that you desire and need. We are working to bring about the realization of your desires and we will succeed and you will be taken care of.

Yes, I understand, but nevertheless you must try to believe us and endure for a little the disappointment. We cannot accomplish these things at just the time that they may be used but they will be accomplished in such time as will prevent embarrassment.

Yes, I see what your thoughts are and I say to you that you will soon receive what is necessary to relieve you. So have faith in us and pray for the love in more abundance. Believe that we are with you and will not forsake you and that all will be well. Try to overcome the worries and let them pass from you. I know that this is difficult to do but you can do it and will feel the good that will come to you by so doing.

I am not the only one who is saying this to you tonight for many of the spirits who are interested in you are present and are trying to help you, even the Master who is so anxious that you find the relief that you so much desire and get in condition to receive these messages. I will not write more and only say pray and believe. Good night,

Your brother in Christ,

